
The OpenHue CLI configuration can be done in less than 30 seconds using the setup command.

The first step after Installation is to pair your OpenHue CLI with your local Hue Bridge.

Configuration can be either done manually or automatically using the setup command.

The setup command

The setup command allows to automatically discover your Hue Bridge on your local network, waits for you to push the bridge button and finally saves the configuration in your home folder.


openhue setup


[OK] Found Hue Bridge with IP ''
[..] Please push the button on your Hue Bridge
[OK] Successfully paired openhue with your Hue Bridge!
[OK] Configuration saved in file /home/.openhue/config.yaml

The setup command also allows the set the bridge IP using the --bridge parameter:

openhue setup --bridge

You can also easily discover your Hue Bridge IP address by visiting

The discover command

The OpenHue CLI provides the discover command that allows to easily the IP of your local Hue Bridge using mDNS Service Discovery.


openhue discover


The config command

The OpenHue CLI allows you to manually configure the application using the config command.

The Hue Authentication Key required by the config command can be obtained via the Authentication API.


openhue config --bridge --key xxx


[OK] Configuration saved in file /home/.openhue/config.yaml

Manual Configuration

You can still decide to configure the OpenHue CLI completely manually by creating the config file by yourself.

OpenHue CLI loads its configuration from a YAML file located in your home directory under the .openhue folder.

Here are the commands that allows configuring OpenHue CLI manually:

mkdir ~/.openhue
touch ~/.openhue/config.yaml
echo "bridge: {{REPLACE WITH YOUR BRIDGE IP}}" >> ~/.openhue/config.yaml
echo "key: {{REPLACE WITH YOUR KEY}}" >> ~/.openhue/config.yaml


When openhue attempts to discover the IP of your bridge using either the setup or discover commands, it is possible your OS might ask you to authorize the application to accept incoming network connections.

For instance on MacOs:

We will try to find a solution in the future versions, but for now we will ask you to click on Allow.

Last updated